Your impact.
Quantified. Digitized. Capitalized.
Convert your goodness into customers love,
respect from partners and investors attention.
Many companies are seriously undervalued because they do not consider the social and environmental effects they produce.
We are graduates of Y Combinator Startup School

So we build tools for measuring such social and environmental effects.
Fast. Easy. Automated. And help mission-driven companies to analyze, communicate and capitalize them.

For 10 years we work with startups. And built several of them by our own. Together with the HSE Inc* we've build an acceleration program specialized on social ventures, conducted 3 batches with 120 startups and made several of them invested! Today they are growing rapidly. And we decided to scale this experience and make it accessible to everyone.

*The best university accelerator according to the international UBI Global 2019 rating.

Andy Done
Founder of Impactful
Startups, experts and investors
are now on the same page.
Within our visual collaborative space
impact modeling
becomes simple and effective
as never before
Collaborate at visual impact canvas
The visual format is ideal for investors who have limited attention. A single platform brings teams, experts and investors together in one shared space. Guided and facilitated process for each side streamlines cooperation.
Use power of mathematics and real life science
We underly every impact graph with a solid mathematical model. Each element either directly measured or accurately calculated. We rely on scientific researches and empirical data to provide correct measurement units and calculation methods.
Evaluate impact investments with enhanced P&Ls
We provide enhanced P&Ls which include information on outcomes and impact. Our static impact model calculates outcomes and impact down to each dollar invested. Our platform is open to both socially responsible for-profit and non-for-profit business models.
Plug your organization in an see impact in real time
We work on a dynamic modeling which allows real time monitoring via API, retrospective analytics and future forecasting. Simple API reports impact events from your company to the model. Models can be updated at any time to account for new data. Models offer a chance to measure whether changes within an organization affect the org's wider impact.
Deepen the complex project analysis with our impact and scale potential assessment
Unified project impact formula describes the essence in a few substantial words in numbers. Our 6-dimensional framework measures organizations' capacity to make an impact and provides insights on how orgs can work more effectively. Includes TAM/SAM/SOM-analogs and other terms which reasonably explains impact startups and social ventures.
Read us
It is great to be impactful!
In past it was difficult to show that you're not only make money, but also a really good guy.
Today with us, it's just a technical question.
Produce the same,
sell more
Many customers want to be conscious buyers. Now you can offer them to share all the efforts you made to be environmentally friendly, caring and socially beneficial.

Talented companies have learned how to improve our mood by selling goods, maintaining our health on the way to work, saving our time and making new friends for us along the way. Let's learn how much more can be done to complement our familiar products and services.
Attract more money,
from better investors
Social investors pay attention not only to money, but also to impact. Return social changes to them, leaving more profit for your organization.

We make a lot of efforts to make friends with the world's leading social investors. And with us you can take advantage of these connections.
Get an advantage,
over “dirty" rivals
More recently, competitors could put pressure on employees and ruin nature. Making the same product cheaper. Now you can show that in fact the differences are significant.

We already choose ecological cars, products grown and prepared without harmful additives and dyes, devices and clothes made without violating working conditions. And hundreds and thousands of companies are waiting in line to tell about their achievements. And the rest will leave the market.
Build your impact model
We develop impact model of a company using the most advanced knowledge in impact management. And we do it in the way no one does–without papers, polls and fortune-telling, but with units, numbers and databases.
Show it to impact investors
We introduce you to leading impact investors, supplying you with all the necessary data, models and economic justification of your social impact.
Measure your impact
in real time
Connect your company to Impactful Cloud database to get realtime analytics for your company social and environmental impact. Compare to market averages, find data insights, learn from the best.
Drop us a line
We really love to read and reply to your messages.
Andy Done,
Founder and CEO
12411 W Fielding Cir., Los Angeles
please leave your real email to let us reply :)
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